Assessment Task 1 – Day 2

21 March 2017, Tuesday, 2.00pm. A Huge downpour of rain.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to off my alarm (snooze my alarm actually) and went onto Youtube Red to hit the playlist before I went for a shower. The first song of the day was That’s What I Like by Bruno Mars. I really loved the light and changing tempo with a little bit of jazzy-pop feel in it. Since I missed the lecture at 10.30am, I thought I should make it up by doing the weekly reading for the tutorial in the afternoon. As I was doing the checklist for the blog, I realized I had not done the blog post for ‘Tagging’ and ‘Blogging Ethics’. I went onto Google and search got the use of tags and read the article about blogging ethics Hannah had sent us. I then posted one blog post each. It was raining so heavily in the afternoon that I was forced to wait in front of Jasper hotel on Elizabeth street. I then went to buy a cup of coffee and ate my lunch while watching the rain that was pouring. I took out my phone, took a short video and posted it on Snapchat, trying to get my housemate to bring me an umbrella. Apparently, he thought it was raining too heavily so he did not want to get out from the house. Great. Luckily, the rain stopped after 10 minutes but everywhere was flooded. The water level was roughly around my ankle’s height. I took a Snap again. I reached home, watch a couple of movies on Netflix with my housemate and that was it for the day, actually.

Assessment Task 1 – Day 1

Monday, 20 March 2017, 4.00pm. What was I doing?

I had my Media 3 studio group meeting from 2.30pm in a classroom in Building 9. As my group was divided into two sub-units, I was in charged of video editing. I was searching for short promotional teasers on Youtube, trying to show my group members what did I have in mind about the short teaser. There were lots of short clips and I didn’t even know where to start from. I searched on Youtube, Vimeo and I even went onto Snapchat since there are always short ads jumping in whenever I’m watching clips on Snapchat. We spent nearly two hours on Youtube trying to find the most suitable video that matches our overall theme. As for the background music, we tried to look for royalty free music website and found Audio Blocks. I would definitely recommended Audio Blocks if anyone is trying to look for copyright free music, instrumental music, sound effects etc.

I walked back home around 5.30pm while listening to Youtube Red (I’ve subscribed it and that costs me $14.99 a month. *Heartbroken*). In my opinion, I prefer Youtube over Spotify. Why? There are quite a number of artists that I could not find on Spotify but not Youtube. I listened to the playlist ‘Music 2017: Playlist of Popular Songs (New Hit Music)‘ and those songs were really amazing. Once I reached home, I switched on my Playing Station IV and watched Finding Dory. I hit the gym, watched videos of NBA highlights, music performances and music videos while stretching. I went back home, continued on with Youtube, hit the top playlist on Youtube and shower. Honestly, as I am writing this, I am truly shocked to see how much time I had committed to Youtube, and this is not even the end of it. After I came out from the shower, I paused my Youtube, went to the kitchen to snack on some tiny bites, and went back to my room. I was doing some reading for my tutorials of the week while listening to Youtube, again. Basically, I did not quit the Youtube app on my phone, not until I sleep. Starting from 5.30pm until 2.00am, I was constantly on Youtube for eight and a half hours. The time I had spent on Youtube yesterday was more than my sleep (precisely 8 hours as I woke up at 10.30am this morning).

I think I am addicted to online media.


P.S. This is one of my favourite songs.

Tags, Hashtags

How does tag work? It is sort of like a name card to categorize posts together in a group. It can bring the readers to the relevant posts and links just by clicking it. For example, if a reader click on a tag which says ‘fashion’, posts with fashion-related article, image, video or anything would be listed underneath and it’s up to the reader to click on anything that  is in their interests.

Ethical Blogging

I was told to read this article Ethical Blogging – a 10 point guide and write a post about it. I’ll summarise what had mentioned in this article:

  1. Differentiate between factual and personal opinion. Of course, readers tend to get mixed up between these two as there are times when bloggers who can defend their own opinion really well which will make a lot of sense to the readers, and thus, this will cause the readers to think those comments might be actual facts.
  2. Plagiarism is forbidden. Another obvious statement. Think about it, if you have studied for your final semester exam super hard, would you like to have the person next to you copying off your answer? NO.
  3. Reference and give credits. I am not talking about the referencing style like what we do for our school project, but link their work on your post. Give credits as well. They might have been doing research for years and you’re just there taking bits of their facts without giving credit. Don’t you feel bad for them?
  4. Avoid factual errors. This is something we all want to avoid as much as possible. Stuff spreads fast on the internet nowadays, and of course, it is possible to have factual errors, but remember to correct it as soon as possible once you’ve found out the mistake.
  5. Encourage readers to comment freely. Yeah, this makes sense since I do wonder how different would other people think about the same topic.
  6. Be truthful. Famous bloggers get a lot of consistent readers viewing their blog and companies tend to look for them to review on certain things, and normally, the bloggers get paid. What had mentioned in the article is that try to avoid business here and be truthful, regardless of good or bad.
  7. Think before you write. Same theory. You won’t watch porn in the living room when your family might just come in anytime, will you?
  8. Be responsible. What you write might have mentally or emotionally effect on a reader, and again, think before you write. Even if you really dislike anything, don’t go beyond the boundary. Watch your words when critisizing it.