Assessment Task 1 – Day 4

23 March 2017, Thursday, 11.20pm. Clear sky with no stars.

I was running late for work (it seems like I’m always running late) and I had no time to go for Youtube Red. After my shift ended at 5.00pm, I took a tram back home, watched NBA news, E-News Rundown and friend’s stories on Snapchat. I went onto Instagram to check pictures and videos because I had totally forgotten about Instagram for nearly two weeks. Honestly, ever since I got myself a Snapchat account, the number of times of me using Instagram decreased. I do like how Instagram keeps your pictures on your profile and allows other friends to look at your pictures, but I find Snapchat more convenient. The stories that you have updated would disappear after 24 hours. You can just press a button in the middle at the bottom of the screen and record a 10-second short clip, and that’s it. Easy. I have heard of Insta story but have never used it. I would say I never bother to learn how to use Insta story or even check it out how is it like. Insta story appears on the top of the Instagram app and I have never once clicked and check out the stories. Basically, I went onto Instagram was to get a colleague’s number as she did not receive the schedule that had been updated two days ago so I sent her a picture of the weekly schedule.

At night, I was browsing AudioBlocks and some other royalty-free music website to look for copyright free background music. I was in charge of editing a short teaser for my group presentation on Friday. I hopped onto Adobe Premiere Pro and constantly changing pages back and forth to complete the editing. I went home around 12.30am and hit Spotify, but because I am not a Premium user, I was not able to change or skip through music. I went back to Youtube Red because I was so annoyed and watched Buzzfeed channel on Youtube while walking back home.