Assessment Task 1 – Day 5

24 March 2017, Friday, 3.30pm. Sunny.

I woke up extremely early, around 7.15am in the morning despite having only 4 hours of sleep just to get to Swanston library to finish off my editing. Once I was done with it, I uploaded the short clip to Google Drive but I did not know I would need to upload it to Youtube. I have never really check out Youtube other functions besides watching videos on it, so I thought I could upload it to my Vimeo. Things were just getting in the way within that 7 minutes before the presentation started; like my laptop couldn’t work because I have no idea why and I could not remember my Vimeo account’s password. I tried to retrieve my password but the worst thing was I could not even remember which email did I use to sign up for when I have only got three emails including my student email which is very unlikely for me to use it for any subscription. I clicked on the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link and typed my two personal emails but I received no email coming from Vimeo. I gave up. My group member, Clarence then said he would download the video and upload it to his Youtube channel. He managed to do so in the end. What a morning.

I then wrote 2 weekly reflections for Media 3 studio because I had forgotten to write one two weeks ago. It was in a Google Doc form and we update the diary after class weekly. I did not go online much today as Friday usually is a very long day for me. I have class from 9.30am to 11.30am, afternoon tutorial from 1.30pm to 2.30pm and work shift starts from 4.00pm to midnight. Sounds busy. At the end of the day, I was extremely worn out and went to bed right after a quick shower while my hair was still wet.

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