Assessment Task 1 -Day 7

26 March 2017, Sunday, 11,00pm. Windy.

The first thing that I did in the morning was to check on my phone for any email updates. I went onto Instagram to watch the stories and damn, I could never finish it since the people who I followed were hundreds, and imagine half of them posted a short 10-second video, which means I would have to spend roughly 40 minutes to watch all of the Insta stories. When I roughly estimated the time that I had to spend, I quit the app. I still do think I made a wise choice. I used to be addicted to Instagram and actually calculated the number of followers I have since it used to matter a lot to me (which I think it is something that majority of the Instagram users care about too), but I actually felt stressed to think of the pictures that I would have to post in order to get the big numbers of likes. That is sick, I thought. So that was when I started to use Instagram lesser and lesser.

After I got off my bed, I went to watch my friend’s basketball match. I played music off Youtube Red since I paid for the membership, and I still like Youtube Red more than Spotify. While I was waiting for the game to start, I talked to my mom using WhatsApp free call because I missed her (I love you mom). I did not know WhatsApp offers video call service as well until my mom declined my call and video called me back. WhatsApp really had a good update as compared to before. After having a light dinner, I went to my friend’s 21st birthday dinner. As soon as I reached, well, people were basically holding up their phone, either to take a snap with the birthday girl or take a short clip of the event to post on either Snapchat or Instagram. Turned out I was right. I felt using like Snapchat and Insta story is sort of like a peer pressure thing already because people would just post a video of anything and everything so they would not feel ‘left out’. Well, that is just my personal point of view, and I, too, posted a picture with the birthday girl on Snapchat.